Membership Information
If you are a naturalist - if you enjoy and appreciate nature - we invite you to join us in our commitment to the preservation of our natural environment. Meet and share with others from all walks of life who share your curiosity and wonder of nature. Add your voices to ours, and become a member of Nature Saskatchewan.
Together we can make a difference! At only $25 a year for individual members, a Nature Saskatchewan membership is a good deal and a great way to show your concern for Saskatchewan's natural environment. Please consider the gift of a membership for a family member or friend.
Membership Type | Price (Electronic Blue Jay) * | Price (print Blue Jay) * |
Individual | $25 | $40 |
Family | $30 | $45 |
Senior | $25 | $35 |
Student/Youth | $25 | $35 |
Outside Canada | $30 | $60 |
Institution/Business (CDN) | $30 | $60 |
Life Membership ** | $750 | |
* Memberships are subject to GST
**With the purchase of a Life Membership you will receive a tax receipt for $725. Please contact the Nature Saskatchewan office at or 1-800-667-4668 if you are interested in purchasing a Life Membership or fill in the Life Membership Form and mail to the address below.

You can also print out this Membership Form and mail it or fax it to our office at:
Life Membership Form
Nature Saskatchewan
206-1860 Lorne St.
Regina, SK S4P 2L7
Fax: (306) 780-9263
or email it to
Benefits of Membership
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Fall Meet & Spring Meets
Our Spring and Fall Meets take place in locations around the province and feature fascinating excursions to unique areas, exciting guest speakers, and informative sessions. Our Annual General meeting takes place at the Spring Meet, and at the Fall Meet we honour members of our community with an awards program. Our meets bring together fellow naturalists from across the province.
As a member of Nature Saskatchewan you will receive the Blue Jay, our quarterly magazine of scientific research and interesting nature observations in our region. Blue Jay will keep you informed about environmental issues and about our programs. Available in hard copy mailed to your specified address and soon available in digital format.
Membership Supports Natural Heritage Initiatives
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Stewardship programs...
- Conserve habitat, provide education, and monitor populations through our Stewards of Saskatchewan suite of programs: Operation Burrowing Owl,Shrubs for Shrikes and Rare Plant Rescue.
- Survey our nature sanctuaries and elsewhere to record and monitor native species and habitats.
- Care for and enhance our shorelines through our Living by Water project.
- Collect biodiversity information used in the assessment of environmental impact of land development.
Conservation activities...
- Stimulate discussion and provide constructive comments on environmental issues.
- Take action to influence governments, business, and industry to protect, and restore, the health of natural ecosystems.
- Promote habitat conservation by stakeholders through our Important Bird Areas program.
- Protect land of ecological significance, as in our nature sanctuaries or through conservation easements.
Education programs...
- Teach youth and adults about migratory birds at the Last Mountain Bird Observatory.
- Develop nature identification skills in youth and adults through our Nature Quest program.
- Enable "citizen scientists" to participate in climate change research through our PlantWatch program.
- Offer opportunities to experience nature through field trips and workshops.