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Archives for 2023

Call for article and photo submissions

Nature Saskatchewan is looking for article and photo submissions for our Stewards of Saskatchewan (SOS) Newsletter and Species at Risk (SAR) Calendar!

The annual newsletter and calendar is sent out to all of our program participants (over 1100 land title holders and managing stewards) as well as our funders and partner organizations. The newsletter will also be available to the public through our website. It features updates on our programs and other topics related to SAR or land management. 

In general, we are interested in articles on:
- Recent research on wildlife (including plants!), especially SAR (e.g. from University students, etc.),
- Programs that our landholder participants may be interested in
- Grazing, production, livestock
- Research relevant to native prairie and grasslands
- Weed management
- Land management
- Invasive species
- Collaborative Conservation Projects

We are always looking for a way to connect and build relationships with our local, transboundary, and international partners, and love hearing how our SAR (such as Loggerhead Shrikes, Burrowing Owls, Piping Plovers, Sprague’s Pipits, Ferruginous Hawks, Monarchs, etc.) are doing in other parts of their range. Therefore, we would love to include interesting stories from other organizations, or current research and programming from within, as well as outside of Saskatchewan.

If you are a landholder, manager, or an SOS program participant and would like to write a perspective piece, we would love to feature your article! The topic can be anything that is important to you and that you feel other program stewards would have an interest in (e.g. your land management/business practices, your experiences with the programs, interesting species observations, etc.).

Article Guidelines:
- Must be between 250 and 500 words (1/2 to 1 page)
- Write at a level relevant for the general public (e.g. leave out scientific jargon)
- Focus on a topic relevant to landholders and producers, particularly those who have SAR on their land
- Provide a photo or two to go along with your article, include photographers and suggested captions

Calendar Photo Guidelines:

The calendar photos should be clear and high resolution (300 dpi minimum). As always, we welcome and appreciate any photos of SAR and are able to offer tax receipts for photos donated to Nature Saskatchewan that are used in a print publication. 

The species for consideration for the calendar this year are:


Western Bumble Bee
Dusky Dune Moth
Gold-edged Gem

Herpetiles & Fishes

Snapping Turtle
Bigmouth Buffalo


Tiny Cryptantha
Western Spiderwort
Plains Grape Fern
Upland Evening Primrose


Loggerhead Shrike
Burrowing Owl
Piping Plover
Sprague’s Pipit
Greater-sage Grouse
Rusty Blackbird
Canada Warbler

Please send Calendar photo submissions to Rebecca Magnus at and article submissions (with accompanying photos) to Ashley Vass at by Friday, October 6th, 2023. We will be happy to provide a copy of the printed newsletter and/or calendar to those whose photos/articles are included. If there is an article that you would like to submit but are unsure of whether it is relevant, don’t hesitate to email me! Please feel free to share this email with anyone you think may be interested and contact us with any questions you may have. 

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