One of the persons most active in the formation of the Saskatchewan Natural History Society was Cliff Shaw of Yorkton, who helped to carry on the publication of the Blue Jay after the death of its founder Mrs. Isabel Priestley. Following his death in 1959, the Society wished to honour his memory by an appropriate award, and at the Executive meeting of October, a motion was made that "a Cliff Shaw Award" be made each year at the Annual Meeting.
This award will be presented for an article in the past four issues of the Blue Jay that merits special recognition as an individual contribution in any branch of natural history.
Selection Procedure
The award recipient will be chosen by the Blue Jay editors.
The Cliff Shaw Award consists of the following:
- The announcement of the recipient’s name at the Fall Meet.
- The presentation of a certificate recognizing the contribution.
Past Recipients
1959 Glen A. Fox
1960 Ralph Carson
1961 John J. Hudson
1962 Larry Morgotch
1963 Keith Best
1964 Hans Dommasch
1965 Michael Gollop
1966 Lucy H. Murray
1967 Spencer Sealy
1968 Doug Whitfield and Jonathan Gerrard
1969 John Lane
1970 Kees Vermeer
1971 Fred Lahrman
1972 Harold W. Pinel and Clifford A. Wallis
1973 Laura Hoyte and Thelma Pepper
1974 William Nivan and Robert Page
1975 Arlean McPherson
1976 Jim Wedgwood
1977 C. Stuart Houston
1978 Robert Kreba
1979 Jean Bancroft
1980 Hamilton Mack Laing
1981 Walter Krivda
1982 Erie Feilburg
1983 Donald Hooper
1984 Robert W. Nero
1985 Jean and George Hilton
1986 Shirley Brunt
1987 Michael Monkman
1988 John Hudson
1989 Vernon Harms
1990 Paul Chytyk
1991 Jean Bancroft
1992 Frank Roy, George Tosh and Ken Coutu
1993 Judith Richardson
1994 Keith Barr
1995 Norbert G. Kondla
1996 Peter Taylor
1997 Anna Leighton
1998 Garth Nelson
1999 No Award
2000 Carolyn Curtis
2001 James Finley
2002 Paul Geraghty
2003 David J. Larson
2004 Todd J. Underwood
2005 Carey Hamel & Elizabeth Reimer
2006 Danna Schock & Trent Bollinger
2007 Christian Artuso
2008 Frank Roy
2009 Al Smith
2010 Katherine Peterson, Esayas Amosa, Shelley Press & Nadir Evbiligin
2011 Richard Staniforth
2012 Laura Gardiner & Kendall Sonmor
2013 Alan Dodd
2014 Dr. Joseph Schmutz
2015 Dale Mierau
2016 Chris Hay
2017 Harold Fisher
2018 Ken Kingdon
2019 Ron Jensen
2020 Dale and Estelle Hjertass
2023 Philip Taylor
Purpose of the Award
In addition to advocacy and other forms of conservation action, it is important that Nature Saskatchewan recognize, as it has done since 1953, those both within and beyond the organization who have done "meritorious work in the interest of conservation in Saskatchewan."
Nature Saskatchewan's Conservation Award will be presented to an individual or organization whose total contribution to conservation is outstanding, whether in relation to a particular project, or in a number of roles over a period of years.
Individuals, affiliate and/or partner organizations, not-for-profit associations, institutions, community groups, businesses, government and non-government organizations that have contributed significantly to conservation in Saskatchewan. This award can be conferred on the same individual or organization more than once.
Nomination Procedure
- Nominations can be made by Nature Saskatchewan members, directors, and staff.
- Self-nominations will not be accepted.
- Nominations are to be made in writing and submitted by the published deadline.
- Nominations are to include the following information:
- The nominee’s name, address, and phone number;
- The nominator’s name and contact information;
- Details of the nominee’s efforts.
- The Awards Committee will independently rate the nominations.
- Chairperson of the Awards Committee will bring the recommendations to the Board.
- If ratified, the President or his/her delegate shall confer the Conservation Award at the Fall Meet.
The Conservation Award consists of the following:
- The announcement of the winner’s name at the Fall Meet.
- The presentation of a certificate recognizing the contribution.
Past Recipients
1953 Ralph Stueck & A.C. Budd
1954 Fred Lahrman & Doug Gilroy
1955 Fred Bard
1956 L.B. Thompson & E.J. Marshall
1957 No Award
1958 No Award
1959 Stuart Houston
1960 Harry Moody
1961 Herb Moulding
1962 Gertrude Murray
1963 Saskatchewan Falconry Assoc.
1964 Douglas E. Wade
1965 Robert D. Symons
1966 George F. Ledingham
1967 Stan D. Riome
1968 Elizabeth Cruickshank
1969 Lorne Scott
1970 Ruth & David Chandler
1971 Thomas White
1972 Christine Pike
1973 Ronald L. Dutcher
1974 Saskatoon Resources Study Group
1975 Wayne Renaud
1976 Mary Skinner
1977 James R. Jowsey
1978 Wawota Wildlife Federation
1979 Frank H. Brazier
1980 Fenton R. Vance & Rose McLaughlin
1981 Robert Nero
1982 Ducks Unlimited Canada
1983 Dennis Sherratt
1984 George Davies
1985 Lorne Lepp
1986 Connie Gramiak
1987 Doug Cole
1988 Lise & Fernand Perrault
1989 Warren Hjertaas
1990 Telephone Pioneers of America - Saskatchewan Chapter
1991 Don Hooper
1992 Gordon Silversides
1993 Bernard de Vries
1994 Lynn Oliphant
1995 Ducks Unlimited & Yorkton Natural History Society
1996 Peter & Sharon Butala
1997 Robert McFarlane
1998 Frank Roy
1999 John Dinius
2000 Muriel Carlson
2001 Peter Kingsmill
2002 Eleanor Bowie
2003 Mary Houston
2004 Margaret Skeel
2005 Dale Hjertaas & Elaine Hughes
2006 Alan Appleby
2007 Greencover Canada Program
2008 Lorne Scott & Saskatchewan Burrowing Owl Interpretive Centre
2009 Brian Johns
2010 Clem & Arlene Miller
2011 Lenore Lake Environmental Protection Committee
2012 Michelle Clarke
2013 Wild About Saskatoon (citizen group)
2014 Trevor Herriot
2016 Lori Wilson
2017 Dr. Jon M. Gerrard and P. Naomi Gerrard
2018 Alan Smith, Stuart Houston, Frank Roy
2019 Joanne Havelock
2023 Doug Welykholowa, Stan Shadick
Purpose of the Award
A motion was passed at the 1987 Annual General Meeting creating a new class of honorary membership entitled "Fellows of the Saskatchewan Natural History Society". This award recognizes an extensive and continuing contribution of time over many years to the Society and its objectives. Up to five recipients may be chosen annually. Once selected, Fellows hold that title as long as they remain members of the Society. It is the highest honour the Society can bestow upon a member.
Individuals who are members of Nature Saskatchewan who have provided an outstanding time and work contribution to the Society over many years. These contributions have been significant, and may have come in the form of leadership, communication, authorship, social media outreach, research, and other areas. The contributions have been cumulative or ongoing, and represent long-standing service or commitment to Nature Saskatchewan and its objectives.
Nomination Procedure
- Nominations can be made by Nature Saskatchewan members, directors, and staff.
- Nominations are to be made in writing and submitted by the published deadline.
- Self-nominations will not be accepted.
- Nominations are to include the following information:
- The nominee’s name, address, and phone number;
- The nominator’s name and contact information;
- Details of the nominee’s efforts.
- The Awards Committee will independently rate the nominations, and confirm that the nominee holds a current membership with Nature Saskatchewan.
- Chairperson of the Awards Committee will bring the recommendations to the Board.
- If ratified, the President or his/her delegate shall confer the Fellows Award(s) at the Fall Meet.
The Fellows Award consists of the following:
- The announcement of the recipient’s name(s) at the Fall Meet.
- The presentation of a certificate recognizing the contribution.
Past Recipients
1987 Stuart & Mary Houston, Frank Brazier
1988 Fred Bard, Jim & Shirley Jowsey, Bob Nero, Jim Slimmon
1989 Hans de Vogel, Vic Beaulieu, Margaret Belcher, Mary Skinner
1990 No Award
1991 No Award
1992 Les Baker, Don Hooper, Ron Hooper, Christine Pike, Lorne Scott
1993 Pat Adams, Mary Gilliland, Frank Roy, Stan Shadick, Jim Wedgewood
1994 Katherine Letkeman, Ed Walker, Val Andrews, Ron Andrews, Lise Perrault
1995 Lorne Rowell, Ian Lochtie
1996 Ron Jensen, Frank Switzer, Bernie de Vries, Bernie Gollop, Dr. Vernon Harms
1997 Bill and Joyce Anaka, Jim and Betty Mundy
1998 Jim Elliott
1999 Robert Berthiaume, Ronald Bremner, Maureen duWors, Tom Gentles, Doug Gilroy, Paul James, Robert Nero, Ole Nielsen, Herbert Moulding, Doug Schmeiser, Gary Seib
2000 Garth Nelson
2001 Bill Sargeant, Carman Dodge
2002 Paule Hjertaas
2003 Michael Williams, George Tosh
2004 Kathleen Donauer, Ardythe McMaster, Carol Scott, Michele Williamson
2005 Diether Peschken, George Mitchell, Wayne Pepper
2006 Attila Chanady, Dale Hjertaas, Anna Leighton, Dianne Secoy Smith
2007 Muriel Carlson, Melanie Elliott
2008 Margaret Skeel, Ted Leighton, Robert Warnock
2009 Bill MacKenzie, Branimir Gjetvaj, Deanna Trowsdale-Mutafov, Fraser Hunter, Mary Aird
2010 Jacqueline Bolton, Dr. Yvonne Cuttle, Alan Smith
2011 Martin Stoffel, Trevor Herriot, Lynn McCaslin, Val Thomas
2012 Teresa Dolman
2013 No award
2014 No award
2015 No award
2016 Harold Fisher
2017 Rob Wilson
2018 Joan Feather, Greg Fenty
This award was initiated by the Yorkton Society in memory of Larry Morgotch, a former member whose photographs appeared in many issues of Blue Jay. It has been awarded each year since 1981 to the member showing the best photographs during the members' presentation at the Fall Meet.
In 2013, the award will be replaced by the Larry Morgotch Photo Event, on a trial basis, to encourage more members to share their photos at the Fall Meet. The event will celebrate nature through photography, without the element of competition. No one will receive an award; instead, all members' contributions will be enjoyed and appreciated. See the Fall 2013 edition of Nature Views for more information.
Past Recipients
1981 Stanley Shadick
1982 Sheina Wait
1983 Dorothy Fleming
1984 No Award
1985 Carol Bjorkland
1986 Sheina Wait
1987 Mary Houston
1988 Clare Hume
1989 Donna Barclay
1990 Michael Williams
1991 Don Hooper
1992 Don Hooper
1993 Melanie Elliott
1994 Frank Switzer
1995 Keith Barr
1996 Garth Nelson
1997 Bill Anaka
1998 Juhachi Asai
1999 Ron Hooper
2000 Jean Harris
2001 Dale Hjertaas
2002 Lorne Scott
2003 Frank Roy
2004 Gary Seib
2005 Andrea Perras & Michelle Yaskowich
2006 Anna Leighton
2007 Bill Mackenzie
2008 Don Methieson
2009 Don Methieson
2010 Ron Jensen
2011 Brenda Rutz
2012 Kathleen Pitt
2013 no award
2014 no award
Purpose of the Award
This award was created in 1996 to acknowledge an individual Nature Saskatchewan member who has devoted significant time and energy to promoting the objectives of the Society, including contributions made at the local society level. Priority for this award will be given to a Nature Saskatchewan member whose volunteer work has helped to enhance the public awareness of the Society (this may include contributions to a Society conservation project or program). It may be appropriate in some years to have this award shared by more than one person, if they have worked together on the same project, or on closely related projects.
Nature Saskatchewan members who have provided valuable time and effort in contributing to the Society. Local societies are encouraged to nominate someone from their local group who is a Nature Saskatchewan member, recognizing that Nature Saskatchewan values their contributions to the overall goals of the Society. The nominee must be a current member of Nature Saskatchewan. This award can be conferred on the same person more than once.
Nomination Procedure
- Nominations can be made by Nature Saskatchewan members, directors, and staff. Local societies should consider nominating someone from their local group.
- Self-nominations will not be accepted.
- Nominations are to be made in writing and submitted by the published deadline.
- Nominations are to include the following information:
- The nominee’s name, address, and phone number;
- The nominator’s name and contact information;
- Details of the nominee’s efforts.
- The Awards Committee will independently rate the nominations, and confirm that the nominee holds a current membership with Nature Saskatchewan.
- Chairperson of the Awards Committee will bring the recommendations to the Board.
- If ratified, the President or his/her delegate shall confer the Volunteer Recognition Award at the Fall Meet.
The Volunteer Recognition Award consists of the following:
- The announcement of the recipient’s name at the Fall Meet.
- The presentation of a certificate recognizing the contribution.
Past Recipients
1994 Muriel Carlson
1995 Ron Jensen
1996 Mary Gilliland
1997 Kathleen Donauer
1998 Dale Hjertaas
1999 Garth Nelson
2000 Burt Gibson
2001 Nancy Allan
2002 Attila Chanady & Diether Peschken
2003 Muriel Carlson, Michelle Williamson and Diane Secoy Smith
2004 Alex Rendek
2005 Gary Seib
2006 Attila Chanady & Mary Aird
2007 Dennis Lawson
2008 Kim Dohms, Anna & Ted Leighton
2009 Lynn McCaslin, Sheila Hasenfratz
2010 Joan & Walter Farquarhson, Martha & Wally Karau
2011 David Larson
2012 Carman Dodge
2013 Guy Wapple
2014 Wendy & Keith Paquin (Fort Qu'Appelle Nature Society)
2015 Al Smith
2016 Rob Warnock
2017 Brian Jeffery
2018 James Villeneuve, Chelsea Walters